When do we study? Learn? These are very important questions. In this news article they asked even a better question. How do we study? It is very common for people to sit down, while they are studying and doing homework, and turn on music, text, watch a movie. This article presented very important evidence that while we are plugged into the media our learning is inhibited. In this article it quotes: “The truth is you don’t really multitask, you just think you do; the brain can’t process two high-level cognitive things.”. How much do we learn from a math book if we are plugged into the web? How affective is our 'French Study' when we have head phones on? A professor of psychology, Harris M. Cooper, said, One of the things that homework is supposed to do for us is help us generalize where we feel we can learn.”
This problem has really concerned many people. We all need to be watching our self's and making sure we have adopted good study habits.
This makes so much sense! When I logged on to "Blogger" to create a post, I turned on some good old Rock music. I WAS DOING EXACTLY WHAT THIS ARTICLE WAS ABOUT! I was studying and doing homework while being plugged into my phone and listening to music. As soon as I read more into it I turned off the music. It grew silent, but I could think. I agree in that we all need to be more conscious about this. I really think this applies to more than studying though... it applies to all out door activities too. Shame on the runners who have ear phones in! We can not double-task. We all need to change the way we do somethings when it comes to involving the media.
Barnes, Seth. "Media addiction is killing us in 7 ways." 26 April. 2007. http://www.sethbarnes.com/?filename=media-addiction-is-killing-us-in-7-ways
Seth has stated once again what we have been learning in our class. The wrong affects that the media has on our lives, but he has interestingly picked our seven specific ways that the media does so.
The News- We believe what they tell us no matter what/ They mostly tell us the "Bad News"
Noise- We grow use to the constant sound of music in the back ground and such. It is not natural.
Moral Decay- Our view on life is significantly distorted by the viewing of sex, violence, and profanity.
A.D.D.- We become "Channel Flippers" and can't focus on one thing for too long.
Mind~Numbing- We are watching some else's life in stead of living our own.
Poor People Skills- We are forgetting how to talk. Our "virtual" relationships are taking over.
Bad Decision~Making- What we learn from the media is not necessarily real. Especially the shows on TV.
He has related all of these things to a more spiritual side of the perspective, So some of the stuff he said is left out.
How I feel about this... I agree. The things he has brought out and listed are, what I believe, all valid statements. These are all problems. The way he has stated them though concerning a spiritual look, I am not so sure about. I believe he is not LDS. If you would like to look over the different ways that he connected it spiritually you can always check the website listed in the (source) at the top of the post. But With the core meaning of what he is saying, I send my support.